In the Air

Adriana Farmiga, Albert Herter, Eileen Quinlan, Katherine Hubbard, Miljohn Ruperto, Ryan McLaughlin, Steven Baldi, Todd Forsgren

January 19, 2018 – February 25, 2018 1329 Willoughby
Koenig & Clinton Logo
Albert Herter, Adriana Farmiga, Eileen Quinlan, installation view
In the Air: Installation view 2018
Adriana Farmiga, St. Roch
In the Air: Adriana Farmiga St. Roch 2018 Watercolor and graphite on paper 12 x 16 in.
Albert Herter, In the Air
In the Air: Albert Herter 2018
Eileen Quinlan, In the Air
In the Air: Eileen Quinlan 2018
Adriana Farmiga, Same/Difference
In the Air: Adriana Farmiga Same/Difference 2018 Watercolor and graphite on paper 7 x 10 in.
In the Air, installation view
In the Air: Installation view 2018
In the Air, installation view
In the Air: Installation view 2018
Adriana Farmiga, Turnt
In the Air: Adriana Farmiga Turnt 2018 Watercolor and graphite on paper 7 x 10 in.
Katherine Hubbard, In the Air, installation view
In the Air: Katherine Hubbard Installation view 2018
Katherine Hubbard, In the Air
In the Air: Katherine Hubbard 2018
Katherine Hubbard, In the Air
In the Air: Katherine Hubbard 2018
Katherine Hubbard, In the Air
In the Air: Katherine Hubbard 2018
Katherine Hubbard, In the Air
In the Air: Katherine Hubbard 2018
Katherine Hubbard, In the Air
In the Air: Katherine Hubbard 2018
Katherine Hubbard, In the Air
In the Air: Katherine Hubbard 2018
Katherine Hubbard, In the Air
In the Air: Katherine Hubbard 2018
Katherine Hubbard, Steven Baldi, installation view
In the Air: Installation view 2018
Katherine Hubbard, Steven Baldi, Miljohn Ruperto, installation view
In the Air: Installation view 2018
Miljohn Ruperto, installation view
In the Air: Miljohn Ruperto 2018
Miljohn Ruperto, Todd Forsgren, Albert Herter, installation view
In the Air: Installation view 2018
Steven Baldi, In the Air
In the Air: Steven Baldi Canon 2018
Todd Forsgren, In the Air
In the Air: Todd Forsgren Installation view 2018
In the Air, installation entry
In the Air: Installation Entry 2018
Images: Jeffrey Sturges

Press Release

Koenig & Clinton is pleased to announce the opening of In the Air, a group exhibition organized around works that invoke a pause, dwell in a state purposeful indeterminacy, or invite us to second guess contrived narratives and other fait accompli. In a post-fact climate, can we salvage context from content?

Initially, inky figures in Albert Herter’s drawing might seem lost within the frenzy of their surroundings, yet upon second glance that same frenzy might be recast as a web of relationships.

A similar preoccupation with the apparatus of perspective appears in Todd Forsgren’s photographic montage and Miljohn Ruperto’s animated film.

Katherine Hubbard’s photographic images of an empty but lit stage raise an equally important question about the scaffolding of the sensible.

Meanwhile, in a parallel act of removal, Eileen Quinlan cleverly forces the scanner to record itself, thereby revealing the commonly unquestioned status of an omniscient lens.

Through meticulous isolation, Steven Baldi parcels out the typographic components of branding.

Also grappling with the smoothness of surface, Ryan McLaughlin paints an overtly cheerful ‘sign’ in tints and shades to poke fun at hyperbole.

Intimate in scale and tender in composition, Adriana Farmiga’s watercolors restore a quiet dignity to that which has been cast aside.