A.L. Steiner, 30 Days of Mo:)rning
A.L. Steiner

Press Release
When you’re feeling ecophaggy, you think:
- capitalism must die
- the patriarchy is a pyramid scheme
- human supremacy is a myth
- omnicide can’t be the only option
- leave it in the ground
- degrowth now
- stop the clocks
- question the unquestioned
- Earth
- the future doesn’t need us
- welcome to the misanthropocene
In order to reduce what is known as ‘productive’ labor, the artist has arranged for the gallery’s work schedule to be limited to 20-hours per week for the duration of the exhibition. The reduced gallery hours are Tuesday-Saturday, 12–4PM.
A. L. Steiner was born in 1967 in Miami, Florida. Steiner received a Bachelor of Arts in 1989 in Communication from George Washington University. She was Visiting Assistant Professor and M.F.A. Program Director the Roski School of Art and Design, University of Southern California in 2014. She is the recipient of the 2015-2016 Berlin Prize, and the 2015 Louis Comfort.
Steiner is co-curator of Ridykeulous, co-founder of Working Artists and the Greater Economy (W.A.G.E.), and a serial collaborator. She is based in New York and is Faculty at Yale University’s School of Art.